Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring in the new garden - Raw land = raw hands?

Well. This working with nature is a lot of fun! It's been one surprise after another after what seemed like a lot of waiting, but was probably just me being slow in getting the right pieces in place. I've been chomping at the bit wanting to get the new garden physically started but at the same time somehow not having the energy, or letting things get in the way of actually doing it. Quite a frustrating opposition of wants ! But looking back a huge amount happened to set the scene on a different level.
Over the winter months I used some of the Perelandra energy processes, clearing stagnant energy, to start preparing the new land for a 'wild' cultivation partnership. I got the impression that the longer the time I left between doing these processes and starting physically on the garden, the better. Seems such a sensible approach, and participating in these processes felt like an introduction, a care-full intention, and an all round brilliant way to start listening to and making peace with the land and all it's creatures. It signalled both to me and the land the start of a dialogue of a different kind on a different level of communication. I was listening with all ears, and hoping that nature would put up with such a novice! I fully expect that I will do the intuitive communicating equivalent of some of those ghastly embarrassing mistakes that can be made while putting sentences together using a foreign language phrase book. What I get back from that thought is the sort of feeling you would have watching a baby of any sort working things out with furrowed brow!
Those energy processes were very interesting. Turned out that the land needed quite a bit of releasing and balancing, both the land, the soil itself, and the atmosphere above. What came out in the flower essences that were needed was a sense of embattlement from outside, which of course was exactly the case, and rebirth. Pretty amazing. So it was really good to have this clearing and healing work addressed before any other work began.
As any of you using the Perelandra techniques know, one of the key processes to help you work well is to set your intention. To do this clearly you do a DDP, set your definition, direction and purpose. Here is part of mine for this garden...

Garden DDP

I want to set up a co-creative garden where I, and others, can learn how to grow food and other plants in partnership with nature, in such a way that the plants and the entire garden environment can also thrive, evolve, and be happy, and to grow enough delicious, sustaining, and highly nutritious food for our whole family to meet our daily needs, with some extra to sell as income.

So, I got the general garden plan sorted, 6 beds, one 90ft x 5ft, one 14ft round bed in the center flanked by two 12ft square beds, one long 90ft x 5ft bed at the far side, one 60ft x 5ft above the center, and two more 40 and 50ft x 5ft beds above that.
Great. The prospect of digging those was just impossible to contemplate, but I was looking forward to getting started! So I just got on with it and didn't think too hard about what had to be done. Breaking free from my stasis at last I started merrily with the three small central beds, digging the lovely soft gopher turned soil with it's topping of gorgeous 'weeds' over, making raised green manured heaps. Felt great that I had the energy to do those in one day, the rest will be a breeze! So far so good. And then having completed those I got the distinct impression that the center one should be turned into a pond. Yes! I love ponds, and the garden creatures will love it too when it gets hot. So popped off to get some very smelly pond liner which I let offgas for a few days in the sun, then got a distinct sense of urgency to get it installed. So the kids and I dug down a few feet at one end, made a shallow 'beach' at the other, lined it and filled it up. It just instantly made the garden magical, and then we discovered to our delight, that we had completed it just in time for that night's full moon. So late that night saw us, flashlight in hand, popping down to the field to look at the moon reflected in the new pond. Moon/water/land, a very appropriate link for a garden that will have some very specific watery needs come July.
We just need some trees to shelter the pond so the birds can drink and bathe without becoming 'sitting ducks' for the hawks.
I have something in mind for that.
Anyway getting late, I'll tell you the rest of the story later, things took a turn for the worse.......
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